
Goodbye, Summer holidays. It’s been fun!
As the weather turns and some much needed rain falls from the sky, it’s a sure sign that the summer holidays are drawing to a close. It’s always a slightly odd time of year for us lot down in Cornwall as, literally overnight, it goes from being jam packed full of jolly visitors to virtually empty! The roads gradually clear as one by one the campsites empty and everyone heads home…
This year we really can’t complain about the Summer we’ve had either. It’s been amazing! Lots of warm sunshine perfect for lounging on the beach, mixed equally with days that saw visitor numbers soar at the various all-weather activities. It’s been a pretty record breaking Summer all round, apparently. The only casualty really was Boardmasters, but even when that was cancelled for safety reasons thanks to some high winds, many revellers still came and made the most of what this gorgeous county has to offer. We had quite a view come and visit us in the shop! What better way to spend a stormy day than beading??
Next week it’s all about going back to school (if you haven’t already!). Back to work. Back to normality and getting ready to survive the long haul as Autumn looms… Scrap that - we LOVE Autumn in all its glory and its breathtaking explosions of colour!
Another thing September brings for many is a new beginning. New schools for some, others off to Uni and leaving home for the first time. This is a great time to give one of our cute 'You and Me' presentation cards with a matching friendship Bracelet for mums and kids going to school, friends parting for University, lovers separating and going travelling...
Being natural creatures of habit, dealing with the new and change is never easy. Nerves kick in usually accompanied by that nagging sense of self-doubt, so here’s an idea that’s guaranteed to help: Mindfulness!
Mindfulness is always a good one. Get yourself into that present moment, focus on your breath and pretty soon those butterflies in the stomach will have calmed down. We’ve got a few hints and tips on the Art of Mindfulness you can

And because at Disco Beads we’re all about spreading the love, we’ve come up with something for a little bit of extra support. Not just a treat, a Triple Treat no less!
So here’s to embracing the next chapter, whatever it may be :)
Lisa x

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