Springtime Decoration
Spring has Sprung!
We love these Springtime vibes, so be ready to bask in the warm, sunny days to come!
To celebrate the beautiful world around us we’ve created these cute Springtime decorations. Each decoration features a charming vintage bead, paired with our very own Disco Beads to add our signature Glow!
And to spread the love for the planet, each decoration also comes with a fully biodegradable packet of seed balls, containing over 900 wildflower seeds! Each type of wildflower benefits bees, butterflies and other vital pollinators that make the Earth a beautiful place to live. Simply bomb your garden or green space and let nature do the hard work! Read more about the Disco Bees Mission here!
NB: Please note due to Import laws on organic material, the Seedballs will ONLY be sent to addresses in the UK. This is because if sent with your order it will be rejected or destroyed by customs.