The New Catalogue
I am an old school traditionalist, I enjoy proper conversations rather than the text talk and over the phone catch ups, I enjoy reading an actual newspaper rather than online news pages and I am a sucker for a good magazine or catalogue!
I enjoy flicking through the latest pages of my must have monthly magazine to feast my eyes upon the new seasons offerings, from Cosmopolitan to Vogue, I couldn't live without my magazine subscriptions!
As well as my reading material I also enjoy shopping from a catalogue the likes of Avon, Boots Magazine or the latest edition of the Next catalogue. I love browsing this seasons looks and thinking how I could recreate them in my own special way. I love the photography, the way they dress the models and the way each product is showcased. It is a great way to browse! It's like window shopping but from the comfort of your own home, no dragging yourself away from the doorway of the store kicking and screaming.
Now I have an inside nod from the Fairies at Disco Beads HQ that they have been fluttering their wings to bring us their latest twice yearly, new season catalogue. Featuring all their Spring/Summer products, their latest designs and Colour Spectrum's all displayed in sun drenched Summer photos with beads being worn on beautiful real life women.
It makes me so happy and proud to see a true to life catalogue featuring real local people who are friends, family and colleagues of the Disco Beads Fairies, their pictures are taken by the ever talented Tom who is a photography whizz and all their beads are advertised in a way that's not pushy or pretentious but honest and beautiful… made with love!
A handbag sized catalogue of beady goodness is available now!
Get yours for free either in store at Mawgan Porth or add to your cart when you check out at DiscoBeads.com
Happy Reading, Enjoy the Catalogue.
Let us know what you think.
Big Love
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