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Out with the Old - Autumn is Here

Out with the Old - Autumn is Here

So, thats it. Out of nowhere the Autumn equinox has been and gone and the days have already started to grow noticeably shorter. The ground is covered in soggy wet leaves and, for those of us with dogs, were back to paw wiping several times a day (oh joy!).


But if theres one thing we Disco Fairies adore about Autumn, its all those colours. Wall-to-wall green replaced by shocks of vibrant reds, browns and oranges. Because we love a bit of seasonal colour change, heres what weve created to help support Mother Nature every step of the way :)

Autumn  just looks like, well, Autumn! With all the colours representing this awesome season of change, its got everything you need to power you through to Spring.
Autumn Disco Beads
How about a touch of Indigo  for starters? A great one to help us prepare for colder days to come as its all about mental clarity, wisdom and understanding.
Indigo Disco Beads
Then theres the beautiful Spirit  encompassing calming blues, the colour of tranquility, truth and connection to the world around us.


Indigo Disco Beads
Another thing I personally love about Autumn is using it as a time to prepare for my favourite winter pastime - hunkering down. Much like the trees are happy to let go of the leaves that have given them life since Spring, this is definitely the time of year for us to let go of the old and basically have a good clear out.
In Chinese medicine , autumn is definitely considered the time for clearing, and not just physically either. (Bring on the mental clarity of Indigo!)
As we all know, its hard to let go but, when you do, it feels so good, and theres nothing better than a pre-Xmas charity drop. I did it recently. Books that Ive read and wont read again. Clothes Ive carried around for years that Ill never wear. Dresses and suits from a past life.
So why not give it a go? Start with the clothes. My rule is anything I havent worn for a year should be up for scrutiny. Can I picture myself wearing it..? No? Thought not. Out it goes.
Next scan those bookshelves for the ones youll never read and pass them on for

someone else to enjoy. DVDs is a good one too, for those who still have them


Wishing you happiness and love for a season of lightness and brightness!




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