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Out With The Old (and in with the new!)

Out With The Old (and in with the new!)

So Spring has finally sprung, and guess what we love most about that fact? The clocks go forward this Saturday! Yay! Okay, so we loose an hour of sleep, but the extra slice of sunshine we get in return makes it all worthwhile. Back to the glory days of early evening dog walks on the beach. As we said about our March Birthstone, Spring is all about new beginnings, which is why I absolutely love this time of year. It’s when we start to truly wake from our wintery slumber ready to welcome with open arms whatever the year ahead has in store for us.

Aquamarine Birthstone Disco beads

Cliché I know, but I really do love a good old clear out round about now. This year, mainly due to some irreparable damage caused by the weight of heavy snow in January, I’m starting with the garden. It’s time to get rid of the dead bits and allow the plants some space to breathe so they can focus on new growth. I really am a total amateur when it comes to what’s what out there, but I do know that a plant still carrying last year’s decay is going to struggle to bloom to its fullest. So, in the glorious sunshine surrounded by the sound of happy birdsong, off I went to chop, crop and clear.

spring Thing


Unfortunately this is also the time of year when weeds start to appear. I pride myself on having a reasonably low maintenance garden. One that’s filled with hardy Cornish palms. This is mainly because of the amount of time I have to spend dealing with weeds! They really are relentless down here. People often refer to this little valley where I live as having its own microclimate. This is clearly true when it comes to weed growth. I’ve never seen weeds like it. Trunks the size of small apple trees. Seriously! n the peak of summer, getting rid of the weeds is practically a full time job, so trying to keep on top of it all at least a little bit at this time of year can save a lot of back ache down the line!

spring is in the air Disco Beads

Having ripped and stripped, the rest of my garden quickly became buried in piles of detritus. Unfortunately, the bit I don’t like (does anyone?) is the bagging up, so today, after what turned into several hours of manic garden clearing yesterday, that is mainly what I’ll be doing. Bagging it up and taking it to the tip.
Having dealt with the garden, it’s time for the inside, and applying the same principle makes complete sense - get rid of the old, and allow the new some space to breathe! For me, there is nothing more satisfying than the moment when I finally hand over that bin liner to the charity shop. The one I’ve gradually been filling since I last fancied a clear out, probably around New Year. So now maybe it’s time to move on from the clothes? Scan those book shelves and sift through the DVDs. Pass them on for someone else to enjoy.
Spring Flower Bracelets Disco Beads
It’s all about calling time on the clutter. If you need some inspiration, there are some great quotes here to get you thinking here.
Really, the golden rule is if you don’t love it, or use it, it’s time for ‘it’ to go.
Good luck!
Previous article Bag It Up!

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