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New Year, New You!

New Year, New You!

So, youve eaten all the mice pies, drunk all the wine and your re-cycling looks like a small mountain range. Youre also probably still fighting your way through the leftover turkey!

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And then its that strange time of year in between. Suddenly the festivities are over, the family have all left, and youre onto thinking about New Years Eve. A whole new celebration all together, and one thats massive the World over. A sparkling frenzy of excitement that starts on a little island called Krimitati (aptly named Christmas Island!) in the Pacific.

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Traditionally New Years Eve is all about champagne, fireworks and frivolity. Ding dong and bring in the New Year, but what we all find too is its also a time for reflectionWhat did 2018 give us and, more to the point, whats in store for 2019?

Whether you want to exercise more, eat better, drink less, whatever your list contains its often ultimately the cause of stress, and way too much pressure. Certainly way more than it needs to be. So were here to take some of that pressure off!
Unlike Christmas where we fully embrace the idea of planning, overthinking what you want to achieve next year and, even worse, making a long list of New Years Resolutionswhere youre going to struggle get beyond number 5, is not the way to go.
Much better is to focus on the achievable. Too long-a-list and its just way too daunting. Why not be a bit more realistic and gentler on yourself? Thats not to say dont have goals, but maybe instead of climbing Krakatoa, why not start with Ben Nevis?
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If your list contains anything diet or exercise based, theres some great tips here on Womens Health as examples of how to turn big goals into easy good-for-you ones. It really is the way to go. As soon as youve achieved even one of them, youll feel fantastic, and super proud of yourself!
Spiritually, 2019 looks like its going to be fully there to support us too, which is great. Sparkle on!  According to numerology, 2019 has the Universal Number 3, which is all about joy, creativity and expression! (More on that one next time.)
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Also watch out for next months next birthstone colour. Were talking the fiery energising red!
For now, have the best time on New Years Eve, whatever youre up to. Sparkle brightly and welcome in 2019 with open arms.
Happy New Year from all us Disco Bead Fairies.
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