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My love affair with Disco Beads!

My love affair with Disco Beads!

My love affair with Disco Beads began about five years ago when my Son and his partner came back from dearest Cornwall with a gift of Disco Beads for me.
Thelma styling Disco Beads
I loved them from the start and every  time I wore them was complimented on them, people were intrigued how they caught the light.  I ordered some more beads in other colours and realised they just went with all my clothes.
Thelma Disco Beads Addict!
 I told my daughter, her mother-in-law and my neighbour about them  who all bought some  beads and they loved them too.  I also told my best friend Becky (that may have been a mistake as she now has far more than me and I am very jealous!!)  
Thelma Wearing Disco Beads and a Beautiful Smile
I must admit I have hardly missed a day wearing them during the five years,   it is definitely a love affair that will last many years to come.......I really do believe they are made by the Fairies!
Lots of love Thelma xx
Thelma Competition Winner Disco Beads

P.S.   A little while ago I was lucky enough to win a competition by sending a photograph of me wearing my Disco Beads,  my daughter had taken it of me whilst having coffee and a very naughty cake in a cafe.  I was astounded to see how shiny and glowing my beads looked so sent the picture to the competition. When I received a prize of a voucher I was thrilled,  it meant more Disco beads to add to my collection, in my eyes you can never have enough!!  (I do suffer with sheer greed) but  it made me realise that people do really win these competitions.
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Sue Austin - June 13, 2017

Yes Thelma they do look amazing, they shine … just like you !

jennifer larson. - June 11, 2017

Thelma,you do make Disco Beads look fantastic,they look wonderful on you.

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