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January - Its National Thank You Month

January - Its National Thank You Month

There is no better time to say Thank You.

America has Thanksgiving and I have recently learnt that we have a whole month dedicated to gratitude

In January we reflect on the previous year,  but more importantly, we look ahead to the new. We are honouring the people around us and saying Thank You to those who need to hear it. following on from our competition where you have all been thanking people through the power of social media, how about we make things a bit more personal……..

Here is a list of my TOP TEN ways to say THANK YOU.

Thank you Jar - A cheap way to say Thank you

  1. A Hug: I'm talking full-on embrace, arms wrapped around great big squeeze! We all need a big embrace once in a while!
  2. A Smile: Sounds simple enough but I don't think we smile at each other enough. Next time someone hands you something or moves out your way on the pavement just look up, get them right in the eye and flash that grin!
  3. Thank You Card : Sounds a little hard work and time consuming but I’m thinking we recycle all our Christmas cards and turn them into Thank You notes, we can send them out to family and friends to say Thank You for the gifts they brought for Xmas and proving us with that delicious turkey or simply pop them through neighbours’ letterboxes thanking them for their Christmas lights and lighting up the neighbourhood for the Christmas season.
  4. Cup of Tea: it's 3 pm the mid-afternoon slump, lunch is done your workload is feeling a lot lighter, go and pop the kettle on and make your work colleagues a cup of tea to say thank you for getting you through another day in the office.
  5. Flowers: I'm not suggesting you go out and purchase an expensive bouquet but simply buying someone a little bunch of the natural pick me ups is a great way to thank someone and make them feel loved. As spring is almost in the air how about scouting out a bunch of locally grown Daffodils you can pick them up for next to nothing!
  6. Bilingual: Say "Thank You" to someone in a different language, here's a fewSAY THANKS - In Lots of Different Languages
  7. Hand Signal: Now I'm not talking over an exaggerated wave or arm gestures but when someone gives way to you at a junction or holds the door just simply put a hand up, acknowledge them.
  8. A Meal: Sitting down for a meal is a really important social boost, we don't take advantage of meal times or social gatherings. Sit down at a table whether it's in a cafe or a restaurant and tell someone why you are grateful to have them in your life.  Enjoy food with great company
  9. Make a Gift Jar: We all have a someone that's always there for us, picks up the phone whatever time it is and has our backs whatever we need. a Gift Jar is inexpensive, creative and personal, a jar full of little things that show we love and care for them, use an old jam jar or a spare glass and full it with a packet of sweets, a love heart or smiley face, a candle, a penny, a seed they can plant. Just a lil note. Anything that makes you think of them. Use your imagination and give it with love and pride.
  10. JUST SAY THANK YOU. We don't use the word enough, thank that shop assistant who takes an extra minute to serve you with a smile, thank a stranger for giving you a second glance, thank your partner for helping out with the chores… any reason to say those 2 little words is reason enough!

I LOVE to say “Thank You” with Disco Beads…. We make beautiful little gestures of thanks in the shape of our Guardian Angels. You can give it someone you love and care about, they can hang it somewhere in there home or even in the car as a reminder that we love and care about them and thank them for everything they do. We have some other beautiful gifts like our bookmarks and keyrings... 

No matter if it is Disco Beads or not, a small thank you makes a huge difference!

Stay Happy, Give Thanks

Much Love



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