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January Blues

January Blues

It's Cold…...It's still dark…..I’ve gained weight over the festive splurge, I drank way too much at the New Year Party and did something I shouldn't….

January can be a hard month, a time that even the happiest of fairies can feel down.


Disco Beads blues


 Let's embrace January, I mean there are still sales to scout, incuding the Disco Beads goodies, the shortest day of the year is behind us and now we can turn on the radio and not be in fear of hearing Mariah Carey telling me all she wants for Christmas over and over again!

I’m Banishing the January slump and instead going to rock a new shade of blue….

January Blues - brighten up the New Year

(see what I did there)

Disco Beads have many shades of blue from the dark and mysterious Ink or the eye catching very popular Electric.
Whether you wear it in a spectrum like the all blue spectrum or wear it alone.
 Blue Jewellery to Make you Shine!
Let’s rock blue and give January something to smile about!
 Big Love
Previous article Circus Funtasia 2019


brianey - February 12, 2019

Love disco beads 📿 the blues are my fav love all the blue shades

brianey - February 12, 2019

Love disco beads 📿 the blues are my fav love all the blue shades

Michelle - February 12, 2019

Well I have a blue car blue glasses a new blue bag so why not have some blue disco beads to match 💙💙💙

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