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Happy Mother's Day….

Happy Mother's Day….

Sunday 26th March is a day that’s dedicated to mumma's everywhere, whether you're a mum yourself and need a excuse for some TLC or you're a doting son/daughter wanting to say "Thank you" to that special lady in your life...

We all take our mums for included!

She is always there when I need her, whether it's for a free babysitter, a loan, a taxi service..Mums are super women that dote on us whatever we need! Since I've become a Mum I realise that it is hard work...the hardest job I've ever done, with working hours being 24 hours a day, we do it for free just out of love and do it all after having little or no sleep! Under the title Mum we should also have a sub title of: Cleaner, Cook, Doctor, Tutor, Friend, Mums are women who care all day, every day who always put people before ourselves and want what's best. Surely we deserve a little token of love?

Mothers Day Gifts - Give them a Beautiful Treat

Mother's Day is the one day of the year that we should all celebrate and honour the mother of the family, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of Mothers in society.

Whether we say "Thank You" or "I love You" with a card, flowers a box of choccies or even some jewellery, you know it is for a good reason!

Disco Beads is doing a special FREE Love Charm  on a Fine Bead Bracelet that is an inexpensive gesture of gratitude that we could give out, it can be worn everyday as a reminder that we are grateful for all that our Mums do for us.

Us Mums can wear it in solidarity to each other. You could see another woman wearing a Happy Mothers Day bracelet, just give that women a knowing smile! A look that says you're doing a great job and I salute you.

So to my Mum,  to your Mum….to all us Mums together.


Big love, today and always



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