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Disco Beads has teamed up with the amazing CoppaFeel! charity to raise money to help educate people about breast cancer.   Now you can buy an exclusive CoppaFeel! Disco Beads charity bracelet and donate directly to the charity through every purchase!

Find out how you can help here!

CoppaFeel! bracelet by Disco Beads

Who Are CoppaFeel! ?

CoppaFeel! is a breast cancer awareness charity that educates young people on the importance of checking their boobs regularly and knowing the signs and symptoms of breast cancer. CoppaFeel! was founded in October 2009 by Kris Hallenga, who herself was misdiagnosed with breast cancer twice at the age of 23, and now lives with secondary breast cancer.

Latitude Festival CoppaFeel!

CoppaFeel!’s Mission:

Remember to check your boobs regularly...and remind everyone around you too!  

CoppaFeel! aim to stamp out late detection and misdiagnosis of breast cancer by ensuring that people know the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, know what their boobs look and feel like normally, check their boobs regularly throughout their lifetime and have the confidence to seek medical referral if they detect abnormalities.

Currently 5% of diagnosed cases are already at stage IV with breast cancer being the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in women under 30 in the UK (181 new cases diagnosed and 12 deaths annually). CoppaFeel! strives for a world where no one dies of breast cancer because of late detection or misdiagnosis. The charity receives no government funding and relies solely on voluntary donations.

CoppaFeel! Help Sheet

CoppaFeel!'s Vision​

To live in a world where all breast cancers are diagnosed at the earliest stage possible, at which treatments are more effective and survival rates are higher. Their Key Messages​ are:

1. Check your boobs regularly.

2. Know the signs & symptoms of breast cancer.

3. Seek advice from your GP if symptoms persist 

​About Kristin

Kristin CoppaFeel!

After being diagnosed at the age of 23, Kristin decided it was time to flip the switch on breast cancer awareness and bring it to the forefront of young people’s attention. One in eight women will be diagnosed with the disease at some stage in their life. CoppaFeel! is all about getting the message out that the sooner we get feeling, the sooner we become best chums with our boobies and so the sooner we will spot any changes. Her documentary titled ‘Kris - Dying to Live’.produced by October Films which was shown on BBC  Three and BBC One in 2014.  

Help us support this worthwhile Charity and make sure we are all in the breast of health!

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